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Legacy of the Tengu

I've completed three full length feature films, two short biographies, and numerous shows and commercials.


This job was especially challenging.  By the time Legacy of the Tengu was brought to us, it was delivered as completed, yet, it was unwatchable, and worse, unmarketable. So, when Spartan Bay came to me and asked what could be done, we had a beast of a project to fix.


Though there are some exceptionally talented individuals that worked on this project, the DIT, story, edit, VFX, dialogue tracks, music, sound design, and color correction, all needed to be redone.  Additionally, there were scenes that included copyright violations and a numerous rights release issues that

needed to be addressed.


So, with an immense amount of work which included writing and filming new scenes, creating new props, animating three new scenes, all new VFX, sound design, music score, and  legal clean-up in a stressful environment, myself a a dediated couple of talent film makers created a project to be proud of and sell.


I will be releasing the original Directors cut in the near future as a teaching aid to view side by side the finished project.


There are some individuals that deserve special recognition for their efforts in completing this project;


James Lew - a true gentleman and incredibly talented actor.  His hug and appreciation given to me for redoing this film will forever be cherished.


Louis Mandylor - One of the nicest and funniest guys I've ever met.  A professional with uncanny timing and comedic sense.


Quenton Holleman - there is not a better editor, VFX Supervisor, writer, and all around jack of all trades than Quenton.  Truly a pleasure to work with over the years.


Coupe Studios, and Kip Kuepper - Kip's music score is masterful.  There aren't words to describe the music and sound design.  Just listen.


Jon Firestone- DP, along with his partner Carl Otto, you will never find a more dedicated, talented, and ethical team to run a camera.


Patrick Joel De Leon - VFX, Props.  Patrick is a remarkably talented artist.  His animations, prop builds, and finalized VFX's make this project fun to watch.


Alex Gray - Animator.  Beautiful work and a great professional.


Sam Del Rio - This young man delivered some great work in this project.  He is an actor who takes his craft very seriously.


Meggie Madock - There is a reason this actor is constantly working, she brings the goods.


Nao Minami - In her first role, her presence on screen is undeniable.


If you are looking for a smaller scale project or full length feature film, my experience in film, project management, staffing, and creative, will combine to bring you the desired results you seek. interested in just getting some advice on how not to get taken advantage on your film? Sometimes the best money is spent by having trusted advisor that has your best interest at heart.


Producing, story development, talent staffing, filming, copyright research, music rights, budget development, story boarding, distribution representation, VFX supervision, edit supervision, editing, and much more.


The realty is, I won't lie to you.  I will be honest about my capabilities and my abilities to hire the right team for your job.


This is a collaborative industry.  You shouldn't have to ever compromise on who you hire.

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